Enjoy Your Measure Subscription
Your Measure subscription is being activated. If you have not already done so, you may now download and install the latest version of Measure using the Download button below.
Existing Measure users please note: Installing Measure again will UNINSTALL your existing copy of Measure. Install on a computer that does not already have Measure to avoid this.
Your password has been emailed to you. Allow up to 30 minutes for the email to arrive.
Before Installing
- System Requirements: Review the minimum system requirements before installing.
- Installation Help: Review the installation instructions and a help video.
- Getting Started: Start learning Measure right now by reviewing our online support.
- Free Training: Email us to schedule a free demo atrfms-measuresup[email protected] or call 800-701-7367 x7000. And don’t miss the free online videos to help you get started!
- Use With No Internet Connection: If you need to use Measure in the field and will have no Internet connection, it is possible to configure your license so you can do that. This tutorial on License Checkout Duration explains how.